Remembering all those that have died
As we read posts and look at the photos from the NFFF this weekend, please remember those firefighters and EMS personnel that have died as a result of suicide. The challenge of life became too much for them to go on. Whether LODD or suicide, the families of these men and women are left devastated. For the suicide surivivors, there are no benefits, no memorials for their loved ones. They often feel isolated and alone. That is why FBHA has taken on the challenge to change the social stigma and bring it out into the open. The issues with PTSD, depression, addictions, mental health need to be talked about. Please take a moment this weekend and think about all of the firefighters and EMS personnel that have died, and remember, they all have grieving families. We need to save those that are saving others. – Karen Dill @FBHA4FF #fbha
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